


2M solutions:

  1. Sodium Chloride (NaCl): add 11.69g of NaCl to 100 mL of distilled water and mix until dissolved
  2. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2): add 22.2g of calcium chloride to 100 mL of distilled water and mix until dissolved
  3. Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA): add 10.2g of CMA to 100 mL of distilled water and mix until dissolved
  4. Rock Sand: add 10g of rock sand to 100 mL of distilled water and mix
  5. Beet Extract: add 10.2g of beet extract deicer to 100 mL of distilled water and mix
Solutions of deicers

Above: Solutions of deicers

Experiment 1:

  1. Label five plastic cups with a different deicer and one plastic cup as the control
  2. Add 100 mL of water to each cup and put in the freezer to freeze
  3. Once frozen, add 10 mL of the deicing substance to the corresponding cup and add 10 mL of water to the control cup
  4. Measure the amount of liquid in the cup after 15 minutes
  5. Repeat step 4 every 15 minutes for 4 trials of data and repeat the experiment 2 more times for a total of 3 sets

Experiment II:

  1. Label 5 petri dishes with a deicer and 1 petri dish as the control and place three filter paper in each one
  2. Add 5 mL of each test solution or water using a pipette to the respective dish
  3. Place around 20 grass seeds on each dish so none are touching each other
  4. Keep the dishes at room temperature for 12 days and water the seeds every other day with distilled water
  5. After 5 days, count the number of germinated seeds in each dish, measure the length of grass of germinated seeds in cm
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 two more times for 3 trials of data and repeat the experiment 2 more times for a total of 3 sets
1 / 9
Petri Dishes with solutions of deicers and seeds.
2 / 9
Adding the solutions of deicer to the containers of ice.
3 / 9
Measuring the amount of liquid melted.
4 / 9
Measuring the amount of liquid melted.
5 / 9
Recording the data of the amount of liquid melted.
6 / 9
Grass grown in the rock sand.
7 / 9
Measuring the length of grass.
8 / 9
Counting the number of germinated seeds.
9 / 9
Seeds germinated in solutions of different deicers.